Mario Czaja: Is the start-up capital coming soon?
- From Forum New Economy
- Reading duration 1 min

Last Friday, we launched our wealth simulator for Germany, which we developed together with a group of scientists led by Timm Bönke and Charlotte Bartels from DIW Berlin. The simulator provides answers as to which instrument would contribute to a fairer distribution of wealth in Germany and to what extent.
The simulator was presented as part of our XIII New Paradigm Workshop at a major event last Friday and discussed by BMWK chief economist Elga Bartsch, CDU politician Mario Czaja, former SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans and former Left Party MP Fabio de Masi, among others.
In this video, Mario Czaja comments on the political take aways from the simulator. As one of the most prominent supporters of the start up capital, we also asked him what he thinks the chances are of a start up capital becoming a political reality in the near future, and how he would finance it should it actually be implemented.