News:The decommodified society

The gap between rich and poor threatens to widen further. Here is what you should know about it - and what helps against it.


A wealth tax? A higher inheritance tax? Or a starting capital for young people? Here you can calculate if and what would really change in the distribution of wealth in Germany.

Rich versus poor - the wealth-simulator

Choose one measure - and compare whether and by how much it would break the trend of rising inequality.

  • 0 %

    0 %

    100 %

  • 0 €

    0 €

    2.500 €

  • 0 %

    0 %

    10 %

  • 0 €

    0 €

    100.000 €

  • 0 %

    0 %

    50 %


Until now

Created trend*

In 10 years

without interventions

no measure selected

  • + 0%
  • + 0%
  • + 0%
  • Lower half of the population

  • Upper middle class

  • Top 10%

* Increasing inequality due to demographic trends, etc.
Data basis: SOEPv37. Calculations by DIW Berlin.


Definition of the measures

Reducing wealth inequality, but how? What it teaches to simulate

Read the paper

News About Inequality

