The Wealth Simulator in the Media
- From Forum New Economy
- Reading duration 1 min

Today marks the launch of the wealth simulator developed by a group of scientists led by Timm Bönke and Charlotte Bartels from DIW Berlin together with the Forum New Economy. The simulator makes it possible for the first time to determine the effects of different measures on the actual distribution of wealth in Germany. The calculator, which can be used interactively via this website, can be used to estimate whether and to what extent instruments such as seed capital or a wealth or inheritance tax could halt this trend.
The simulator will be presented at a major event today and discussed by BMWK chief economist Elga Bartsch, CDU politician Mario Czaja, former SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans and former Left Party MP Fabio de Masi, among others.
The launch and the results of the simulator were picked up in the media as well, including this article in DIE ZEIT, this Spiegel Online piece, or this Zeit Online article.